Six weeks ago, two weeks prior to the death of Empress Britta, a letter arrives, a letter addressed to the Carta Bellamarina. It is brought by a Navarri scout.
Whilst it is addressed to the Merchant Prince, its content is made available to all.
Dearest Concordia
Terrible news.
The couragious and loyal band of soldiers, the Bellamarina Salvatores, are lost. Only a few of our number have survived. We were campaigning as part of the Imperial forces sent to liberate Skarskind, and on a routine patrol when we were attacked by Barbarian Orcs.
I will spare you the details, but we were badly let down by the Dawnish Knighs assigned to support us, who sought glory rather than victory. I do not know if any of their number survived.
I can say that we fought back with courage, I can say that we did what we could when outnumbered, outflanked. But I can only admit that we fell, one after another. I fell.
There are a few of our crossbowmen, and some of our infantry left. We were rescued by a Navarri force which was in the same area, and who successfully drove off the Barbarians.
The banner has been lost. I am ashamed to admit it, but whilst men can, ultimately, be replaced, that banner is irreplaceable. It has been at every single major battle that the Bellamarina Salvatores has been involved in for over 100 years, and granted its boon on each occasion. Iridium infused banners of that power are rare. I should not mourn its loss, but perhaps it is giving me a focus for my grief. There are too many dead men for me to be able to recount all of their names. Men and women I chatted with over breakfast every morning. Gone.
I am rambling and this is becoming personal. It is probably the pain. A broken leg is trivial compared to death, but most likely I'll recover almost full use of it, according to the doctors. Some of our wounded are not so fortunate and the prognosis for them is poor: they may not survive the season.
We will be returning to Sarvos within a few weeks. We will need medical assistance still, I believe. I am thankful that the Guild has branched out into medicine.
Yours, with a heavy heart
Vigo Orlando Scarlatti de Sarvos, Condottier Commander: Bellamarina Salvatores.
Several weeks later, the battered remanants of the Bellamarina Salvatores arrive back in Sarvos. Some of the survivors of the battle do not survive more than a few days after that, almost as if they hung on long enough to get home. The Bellamarina's medics are kept busy as they care for the wounded and dying.
This is a bit of background I have put together for explaining why we are a bit short on the ground at the first event. The military side of the Carta Bellamarina have taken a bit of a beating, and therefore any of the soldiers who are not playing the first event may have been involved in this incident. Any medics can be involved in caring for the sick and the injured.
I think I will go with the idea that most of my coven were out there providing magical support, and got wiped out in the rout. This gives me a good reason to work IC at founding a new coven in game.