I'm Michael who has just been posting on the League FB page. I'd like to know a bit about the OC practical side of the group: How many people? do you have a group tent? or hire one and if so how much does each person chip in? any group food likewise? Stuff like that.
I'm Josée, and I (think) I spoke to you over the facebook page. I play Lunetta di Sarvos (ignore my username - that was my *original* character concept!!) who is a Priestess of Loyalty. As far as I know (and I have only attended a single event) the colours are blue and red, and the pelican is the group symbol (Have I got that right, everyone?? ^.^;;)
Awesome to hear from you - are you going to be at E4?
Character concept is Silas van Hoegenkak di Savros, sea captain and archer, in Anvil to rebuild the Sentinel Gate Squad into a successful mercenary enterprise and to coordinate free company and fleet activities.
Last game, the Carta lost two of their warriors who both belonged to the same Free Company. Lunetta was their Priestess, so understandably is upset AND has lost the free company she was involved with. If you're likely to want/need the help of a Priestess of Loyalty, then we should definitely have a chat on field!! :D
Hi i'm Owen,
I don't get on the forums much, or not as often as i'd like.
I play Gaspar calvino, an artisan and trader.
If you need weapons armour or any thing else just ask and i'll source it for you.
Hi, sorry to have missed this thread, as I've not been making events much I've taken my eye off the ball a little.
Nice to have you aboard. I'm David, Vigo's player. I'm intending to play a heavy armoured Mercenary captain (Bellamarina Salvatores) when I make an event for more than a day; but due to a combination of being cash strapped, having a small child and a few health issues I have yet to make a full event.
My character's background includes the recent loss of most of the military wing of the Carta Bellamarina in the Skarskind campaign, about two months before E1. My character sustained serious injuries but survived (can IC explanationfo any mobility problems I might be suffering from on a day to day basis at events)
You are indicating that you are recruiting IC for archers (excellent!) and I wondered if you would like to tie in the loss of your unit with the losses already incurred as part of my background.
The battle my character was involved in was lost because the Dawnish contingent assigned to support the right flank charged a unit of Barbarian medium armoured infantry whilst the archer unit was whittling it down. This symultaneously prevented the archers from firing at that enemy unit and allowing them to be flanked by enemy skirmishers. The Dawnish knigts were mown down by the Barbarian medium infantry which then rolled on to take out the heavy infantry unit I was commanding and the remains of the archers unit. I believe we also had an Autumn coven lost in the battle too. Vigo attributes the loss due to Dawnish impetuous glory-seeking, thoigh the Dawnish would view it as being due to League hesitancy and not joining the charge.
The few survivors were rescued and tended to by the Navaaro patrol that arrived shortlu afterwards
Whilst the archer unit is not named, it could be the Sentinal Gate Guard if it fits yoir background ideas.
My combat background is mostly actions at sea as a privateer/ raider so I wouldn't have been at that battle although I will have seen action on land under Vigo at some point. If Vigo is in overall control of Carta mercenary operations then the Sentinel Gate Guard (currently me!) will answer to him at least nominally. I intend to retain operational control even if Vigo chooses to fight with us. The Sentinel Gate Guard is our forces at Anvil that go through the gate - fighters from your field forces or my ships, Guild security retainers, Carta members who only fight four times a year, bravo's who are free agents otherwise etc.
All this is contingent on actually getting some recruits. I'd like to get an archer heavy unit as I think that will give a specific and saleable tactical role. We'll see.
I like where you're coming from - recruiting archers ic is definitely cool. I'm looking to do the same with medium to heavy infantry and should we get enpugh recruits between thebpair of us we should have a fairuly marketable force. Currently I won't be looking to make an event until June next year, and it may be tht if you find the group your liking (we are a nice, diverse bunch) that you end up by taking up.the mantle of mostly being in charge of whatever IC military action goes down in the group and my character becomes/goes back to being more of a behind the desk military logistics character who rarely takes to the field of battle.