Just to let you all know, my partner Jak will be coming to Empire with me this event. He's never LARPed before and is playing Highguard, so I may be off wandering a little more regularly than I would have intended. No doubt you'll get to meet him during the event - I'll likely bring him across prior to time-in just to say hi. :)
Has anyone got plans for this event (minus the Masquerade of the Reaper etc.)?
Sorry to hear that. Obviously we'll keep fingers crossed for a reversal in your fortunes, and we'll miss you otherwise. All the best, and see you as soon as RL permits.
Sorry I've been out of commission most of last year due to work and the horrors of real life. Should be at the Easter event. It'll be good to see everyone and get back into the game. Hope you can make it, Mel.
Happy to accommodate a Highguard visitor, naturally :)
Because of the need to keep a struggling radio station from closing, I'm super busy and needed at key holidays for events and stuff around aber.
Also, as I'll be kinda bald for a while, and promising not to wear a wig, It looks like I won't be at empire this year.
Don't feel that your lack of hair would get in the way of playing at Empire. We can always say it's a medical hygiene thing or think of a religious justification.
We would love to see you at Empire if and when you are available.