Just a reminder that this will be running all weekend at Event 1. Don't forget you will need a carnival mask for Saturday night (I may have a limited number I can loan to people, but please don't rely on this if you can avoid it.) Also, does anyone fancy dressing up as Mattias or Reynard? I also have no idea as to what gift we may give the the Reaper.
Guidelines from the document:
1.Get yourself a mask for the Sat evening (everyone is expected to wear masks in public).
2.Get ready to decorate your camp with bunting and skeletons so that the entire League camp has a Reaper festival atmosphere.
3.Have your camp prepare a simple gift and consider its meaning, for when the Reaper visits.
4.Bring back the essence of a group member that has died by getting a volunteer to dress up and act as them for the Masquerade.
5.Check out the concept of ‘bridge fighting’ and consider / practice your approach.
6.Get a drum (and practice your drumming) for the procession and courtly dance.
7.Draw up a plan for commercial activity to contribute to the Night Market buzz.
8.Plan and practice some entertainment such as a play or music, maybe for the national theatre or the street, throughout the weekend. Even better let the Egregore know you want to.
9.Spread the word both before and on the weekend including explaining the festival to strangers.
10.Add your own ideas based on the theme and get out there and do it!
I will be dressing up as Reynard (I have borrowed Ben's waistcoat to do so) and Draiton who plays Felix of the Gilded Horn Carta will be attending as Matthias. :)